This game is overall, very unique and satisfactory. The bad reviews for this game are incorrect, as the controls actually give you a challenge. I personally love games that have a simple concept, but hard controls. (Surgeon Simulator, I Am Bread, and Octodad to name a few popular examples) The graphics are beautiful and the game is challenging, but not throw your phone and smash it against the wall frustrating. A bit addicting, and overall has a great recipe. Simple concept people will understand, a challenge, a bit addicting, and an interesting concept. Only complaint is the SFX is way louder than the music (I enjoy classical music like the Carnival of Venice) so an option to turn down the SFX while keeping the music would be nice. As for things to add, maybe unlocking new unicycles when reaching new distances, or maybe mystery boxes to give a small prize generated randomly across the trail. (Prizes could consist of extra lives, power ups, etc.) Thank you for making this lovely game, and hoping for new features soon!